Japanese Jesuit, crucified, martyred with many others, in Japan for the Faith.
Color (Snowflake Clockwork)
Color, with cursive quotes, print in landscape (TESM)
"St. Paul Miki and Companions, pray for us."
manuscript cursive
Learn More
Saint of the Day, Franciscan Media (2 min audio and short bio)
Youtube Video About (Catholic Online, 3 min)
St. Paul Miki's Last Words:
Having arrived at this moment of my existence, I believe tha tno one of you thinks I want to hide the truth. That is why I declare to you that there is no other way of salvation than the one followed by Christians. Since this way teaches me to forgive my enemies and all who have offended me, I willingly forgive the king and all those who have desired my death. And I pray that they will obtain the desire of Christian baptism."
At this point, he turned his eyes toward his companions and began to encourage them in their final struggle. The faces of them all shone with great gladness. Another Christian shouted to him that he would soon be in paradise, "Like my Master," murmured Paul, "I shall die upon the cross. Like him, a lance will pierce my heart so that my blood and my love can flow out upon the land and sanctify it to his name." (from IgnatianSpirituality.com)
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