December 7 - St. Ambrose (340-397), Milan/Rome

Resources for St. Ambrose
Patron of Bookkeepers
St. Ambrose had a huge influence on St. Augustine

Coloring Pages
St. Ambrose Coloring Page (The Catholic Playground)

Saint of the Day - Saint Ambrose (Franciscan Media)

Video - Documentary
St. Ambrose (Catholic Online, 4 min)

Restless Heart (Ignatius Press) - a  movie primarily about St. Augustine's conversion, but St. Ambrose is a central character as well and it portrays the significant rose Ambrose had on Augustine in bringing him to the Faith.
DVD from Amazon
Available free on Formed (streaming)

Bees have been associated with St. Ambrose, because of a legend that his father found his infant son's face covered with bees. This was taken as a sign of his future eloquence, or speaking with a "honeyed tongue."
- Put honey on your toast today!
- Make a beeswax cande

Saint Fun Facts! (Catholic Online)

St. Ambrose, Pray for Us!

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